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Shale Production to Offset Hurricane Related Cutbacks

During hurricane season, oil and gas production platforms in the Gulf of Mexico are often shut-in for safety and environmental reasons.  For example, in 2013, nearly two-thirds of oil and gas production in the Gulf was lost due to Tropical Storm Karen.  While 23% of U. S. output is from offshore, the Energy Information Administration… Read More

Hess Triples Throughput at Tioga Plant

“Rigzone” reports that Hess Corporation has increased capacity at its Tioga, North Dakota, natural gas processing plant from 100 to 300 MCF per day.  Obviously this will increase the state’s production of propane, butane and natural gasoline.  However, it will also increase revenues from methane that was previously being flared, and will be the first… Read More

State Severance Taxes: An Overview

The shale revolution is bringing increased oil and gas production to many states.  Some, like Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana are old hands at regulating and taxing large volumes of these resources.  For others, such as North Dakota and Pennsylvania, dramatic increases in volumes of oil and gas produced offer new opportunities and challenges.  Predictably, severance… Read More

North Dakota Achieves 1 Million Barrel Milestone

It’s now official!  According to a recent article in “Rigzone”, North Dakota’s Department of Mineral Resources reported that in April, oil production in the state exceeded 1 million barrels of oil per day (bopd) for the first time.  This represents a 30% increase over April of 2013.  200 wells were completed in April with 600… Read More

Oklahoma Production on the Rise

Harold Hamm, the CEO of Continental Resources, thinks that Oklahoma is on the verge of a significant rise in oil production, according to a recent article in “Rigzone”. The Sooner State provided tax incentives for horizontal drilling which is now being used to develop 12 different plays across the state.  March 2014 production is up… Read More