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Shale’s Environmental Impact: One Perspective

“Rigzone” reports that in spite of the indisputable benefits of the development of shale energy resources, a number of critics decry the associated environmental downsides.  Even detractors grudgingly admit that shale development projects in 26 states have reversed the decline in domestic energy production, made the U. S. a significant oil producer, and a potential… Read More

Israel Future Force in Energy Market?

The May 6’th issue of “Rigzone” reports that Dr. Harold J. Vinegar, former Chief Scientist at Shell, contends that “The same qualities which made Israel’s high tech sector a global success story could lead its energy sector to similar success.” Dr. Vinegar is currently Chief Scientist at Israeli Energy Initiatives where he is involved in… Read More

Bakken Breaks Billion Barrel Barrier

The Bakken, and the underlying Three Forks, shales have produced over a billion barrels of oil in North Dakota and Montana since initial production in 2000 as reported by “Rigzone”.  The formation which lies beneath these two states, as well as the provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, spans 25,000 square miles.  According to the U.… Read More

Encana Sells East Texas Assets for $530 Million

“Rigzone” reports that Encana, Canada’s largest natural gas producer, is selling 90,000 net acres in Leon and Robertson counties, Texas.  This is a continuation of what appears to be a trend for the industry in general, and Encana in particular, to divest gas assets in an effort to concentrate on liquids. In March Encana agreed… Read More

Eagle Ford Overview: Part IV-Conclusion

Hart Energy, the publisher of “E & P” magazine, recently released their “Eagle Ford Techbook”  which includes an excellent article by Richard Mason entitled “The Eagle Ford Shale, Energy Titan of the Southwest”.  I have posted some of the information contained in the Techbook in general, and Mason’s article, in particular.  I have also injected… Read More