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Boone Bails
“World Oil” cites a report by Bloomberg saying that Boone Pickens, who has made and lost fortunes in the oil industry for the last 40 years, has cashed out. Pickens referenced the loss of 250,000 jobs and reductions in capital spending of over $100 billion as reasons to believe that in the long term, production… Read More
Global Demand
“Rigzone” recently published an article by energy analyst, John Kemp, in which he offered his forecast for global oil demand in 2016. Kemp breaks demand down into domestic U. S. and foreign components. He further separates domestic demand into the consumer and commercial sectors. U. S. consumers are buying new vehicles at record levels and… Read More
RayJ’s Forecast
Investment firm, Raymond James (RayJ), recently issued their A & D (Acquisition and Divestiture) Quarterly for the fourth quarter of 2015. It contains a retrospective of last year, and more importantly, their price forecast for 2016. RayJ sees the first half of 2015 in a positive light, but rising supply, concerns about falling demand, and… Read More
Hedge Contracts Expiring
Hedge contracts enable oil and gas producers to lock in specific prices for their future production. Conversely, these arrangements enable buyers to anticipate a stable supply of energy at a known price. If you are an operator, and think prices are uncertain, or likely to decline in the future, you would be inclined to hedge… Read More
Time for a Turnaround
“World Oil” reports that famous hedge fund manager, Andrew Hall, has told his investors that despite a dismal 2015, he thinks crude is ripe for a rebound. Hall, whose Astenbeck Commodities fund lost 35% in value last year, still manages $2.1 billion in assets. However, when asked about these losses Hall observed that an uncertain… Read More