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Glasspoint Solar | Russell T. Rudy Energy LLC

In the year 2000, the World Economic Forum established its Technology Pioneers program to recognize those companies which had significantly impacted business and society through technological innovation. The focus has been specifically on the IT, health, energy, environment, food and financial services sectors.

“World Oil” reports that GlassPoint Solar has been selected as this year’s winner. The company is the leading supplier of solar energy to the oil and gas industry, and was selected for its Mirah project in Oman.  The project will use solar energy to make low-cost steam for injection into a heavy oil reservoir enabling more crude oil to be produced more economically.  Solar energy will replace natural gas which has traditionally been used for steam generation in these types of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) projects.  By substituting solar energy for natural gas, Mirah will reduce CO2 emissions by 300,000 tons per year.  The 5.6 trillion British Thermal Units of gas that will be saved each year can be liquefied and exported as LNG or used domestically for power generation or industrial applications.

Upon learning of the award, GlassPoint President and CEO, Rod MacGregor, observed, “It is an honor to be recognized and included alongside some of the most innovative companies in the world. This recognition further substantiates the increasing convergence between traditional and renewable energy.  Our solar technology was specifically designed to meet the needs of one of the world’s largest consumers of energy-the oil and gas industry itself.”  He went on to say that this can result in substantial carbon savings and deployment of renewable energy on an unprecedented scale.

GlassPoint is one of the fastest growing solar companies in the world. In just five years it has gone from commissioning the world’s first solar enhanced EOR project to building one of the largest solar facilities of any kind.

To read the article in its entirety, please go to http://www.worldoil.com/news/2016/7/5/world-economic-forum-names-glasspoint-solar-technology-pioneer .

Russell T. Rudy Energy, LLC buys oil, gas and mineral interests nationwide.  Please call (800-880-0940), or write (info@rudyenergy.com ) to let us know if you agree, disagree or would just like to comment on this, or any of our posts.