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Wind Powered Water Injection
“World Oil” reports that the first phase of a study of the feasibility of wind to power water injection wells (WIN WIN) has been successfully completed. The study was a joint effort led by Norwegian consulting and research firm, DNV-GL. Other partners in the effort were ExxonMobil and the Norwegian subsidiary of the Italian super… Read More
Surplus or Shortage?
“Rigzone” reports that before the shale revolution predicting oil supplies was much easier. Investment bankers, oil companies, consultants, etc. could look at current production, new projects in the pipeline, and factor in variables such as political risk in oil producing nations and get a pretty good idea as to future supplies. Conventional projects typically involved… Read More
Beginning of End of Oil Glut?
After the oil price crash in 2014, operators began trying to offset revenue losses due to price decreases by increasing production. This caused a surplus of oil, often referred to as the “crude oil glut” which has been the nemesis of oil prices since then. However, for prices to begin to recover, the excess inventories… Read More
Permian Land Swaps
Innovation and creative thinking helped fuel the shale revolution. Now “Rigzone” reports that one of these innovations, horizontal drilling, is giving rise to another, land swaps. Within the Permian Basin of West Texas and Southeast New Mexico, shale operators have developed a barter system to maximize return on investment and ultimate oil recoveries. As is… Read More
Laser Drilling
In an article in “Oil Voice” entitled “At the Cutting Edge of Laser Technology”, author Ros Davidson discusses the relevance of laser drilling to current oil and gas operations. While the power of lasers is not disputed, its economic viability has always been an issue. Lasers are not really new. Einstein first theorized about them… Read More