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New Record?
Low economic break-even points and production cutbacks by OPEC, Russia, and their allies (N/OPEC) created the opportunity for other producers to increase output. Since the oil price collapse of 2014, we have learned that the surviving shale operators are resilient, resourceful, and quick to exploit an opening. Writing in “Oil Voice”, Julia Weiss with Norwegian… Read More
Back to Basics
Many energy observers were confounded when OPEC, Russia and 10 other nations (N/OPEC) announced the extension of oil production cutbacks, and prices fell. While this indeed seems counter intuitive, in a recent article in “Oil Voice” entitled “OPEC Extends Cuts, Oil Prices Fall: What it Means”, Art Berman offers his explanation. Berman has long contended… Read More
Why Producers Hedge
A hedge takes place when one party agrees to sell a volume of future production at a specified price and the other party agrees to buy it. Every party to every agreement has its own reasons for doing so. However, a recent article by Mark Young in “Oil Voice”, gives a clear and concise summary… Read More
Anadarko’s View
“World Oil” recently reported Anadarko CEO, Al Walker’s, views on short term oil prices, long term oil supply, natural gas, and NAFTA. He sees production cuts by OPEC, Russia and 10 other nations as being a positive force on oil prices, especially if they are extended into 2018. However, domestic shale producers will increase production… Read More
Future Shock?
Since the crude oil price crash of 2014, investment in energy projects has been significantly reduced, and some industry observers have warned that while relatively low prices and a global oil glut make investments in the short term-unattractive, they are imperative for supply and price stability in the long run. One of the most recent… Read More